Monday, April 13, 2009

Rescue Horse

We took on a new project this week (as if we don't have enough to do already), a rescue horse from a neglected herd of horses in Burns, Oregon. The herd included 60 horses on the ranch and by the time the humane society got to them there were only 11 still alive. We volunteered to foster one of them and feed him back up into adoptable condition. We will probably come up with a name for him at some point but for now he is rescue horse and this is what he looks like:

As you can see his hooves are in desperate need of trimming and he is very rough. We hope to have him up into condition in 4 to 6 months. There are still nails in his hooves from his last shoeing. We'll have the farrier up soon to get them taken care of and for now we are feeding him alfalfa hay to put some meat on his bones. He's been under control of the humane society for the last 3 weeks and has been eased into the alfalfa and is ready for regular feeding. I'll post a couple more pictures of him on my flickr page if you would like to seen more.

Wish us luck in our endeavor to help one horse . . .

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