Monday, March 16, 2009

Roseburg Weekend . . .

I must follow up with a comment on our weekend. Delaine was sick Saturday and Anna went to the high school and worked at the "Battle of the Books" for the elementary students. In the evening she went to Winston to attend the church dance. It was a sock hop . . . they had a good time. Saturday I spent most of the day burning slash and cutting firewood. I did take some time to set up the panels into a round pen so we can work Jazzy effectively. She is a pain when there are no boundaries.

Sunday we went to church and then took the horses out to the fair grounds to ride with the posse. I had ridden Dustie on Friday evening at Dodge Creek and really gave her a work out so she was pretty attentive of Sunday evening. I've been working on her trot and her lope and working to get her to slow down a bit. She's getting pretty good at the trot to lower her head when I ask her and now she is learning to drop her head at the lope too. I notice when she drops her head she slows down and is a bit more relaxed. All in all she is doing very well for being such a youngun' She has a great attitude even when I work her into a sweaty mess.

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